Интернет-магазин SellFrost.RU осуществляет продажу Пароувлажнитель серии HyLine с системой управления Comfort Plus HY23-СP /380/ на заказ с доставкой в Краснодаре. Вы можете узнать цены, заказать и купить Увлажнители воздуха позвонив по номеру телефона 8 (800) 201 69 35 или оставив онлайн заявку. Забрать товар можно в пункте выдачи по адрессу: г. Краснодар Новороссийская ул., 216/2
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Introducing the new HY23-СP /380/ steam humidifier from HygroMatik. This advanced humidifier combines modern, environmentally-friendly technologies with an attractive design. The larger, reusable steam cylinder ensures minimal environmental impact and reduces water consumption and energy consumption to a minimum. The humidifier uses only ecologically safe materials, without any cadmium or surface treatment of the electrodes. The compact, modern control system is protected from water ingress, as it is located in a separate compartment.
ConstructionSteam Cylinder
The cleanable, reusable steam cylinder is cost-effective and environmentally friendly. It is divided in the middle for easy access. With its large volume, it provides a long lifespan.
Working Principle
The steam cylinder is equipped with stainless steel electrodes arranged in a ring. When tap water enters the cylinder, an electrical circuit is closed, as tap water always possesses conductivity. The produced steam is clean and demineralized, as water salts are retained in the cylinder.
This flushing system significantly extends the lifespan of the cylinder. By creating a vortex from the bottom of the cylinder, even more scale particles are removed.
Drain PumpA reliable drain pump removes scale particles, greatly facilitating maintenance. Solenoid Valve.
The solenoid valve regulates the cleaning system. The action of the self-cleaning rod is controlled electronically.
ElectrodesThe stainless steel electrodes have a special fastening mechanism, allowing for easy replacement without the need for tools. The interchangeable electrodes with a large surface area ensure rapid steam generation. They are tapered for optimal performance control.
StarA polypropylene insert between the electrodes extends the current line and thus increases the lifespan of the electrodes. Suitable for water with high conductivity only.
Fan BlockDesigned for direct steam distribution in the room, it is installed above the steam humidifier.
Steam Distribution PipeMade of stainless steel, it is used for direct installation in the ventilation system duct.
Take your indoor air quality to the next level with the HY23-СP /380/ Comfort Plus Steam Humidifier from HygroMatik. Invest in the best for a healthier and more comfortable living environment. Buy now!
Вес, кг | 22/40 (без воды/с водой) кг |
Высота, мм | 650 мм |
Глубина, мм | 327 мм |
Ширина, мм | 520 мм |
Потребляемая электрическая мощность, Вт | 17300 Вт |